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Mowing and Lawn edging is one of the things that accentuates the care that you put into your lawn and is the perfect final step in a lawn-mowing process. With an edged lawn, your property will look neat and well cared for.

Neighbors despise lawns that go uncared for because they reflect badly on the neighborhood. Unfortunately, even when you put a lot of effort into the care of your lawn, it may still not look as good as it could.

Edging can make your lawn look finely groomed along the borders and prevent “creeping” grasses from growing outside of their boundaries. The Vertical cut is commonly made in a straight line fashion along the grass boundaries between sidewalks and driveways.

Edging Along A Sidewalk (Image:

Admirable Landscapes is your complete lawn care provider. We offer  Portland  lawn edging along with  Portland annual landscape Service.

NE Portland OR Lawn Service |  NE Portland Lawn Service | NE Portland OR Lawn Mowing | NE Portland OR Lawn Care